I’ve always played team sports. Since a youngster, football & rugby consumed my entire sports world, and I didn’t give much thought into anything that didn’t involve a full team and bone-on-bone physical contact. Alas, as I grew older, my love for (healthy) competition, networking with new people outside of my primary friend group, and trying out new activities led me on a crash course with the sport that ticks all three boxes: golf.
While I only play once or twice a year, (and am undeniably a piss poor golfer), when I do play … I love it. That’s typically because I’m outside, amongst friends and likely playing a group scramble (so my ineptitude isn’t as noticeable). It’s a lower pressure situation, and when I occasionally sink a difficult putt … the feeling is exhilarating. While the golf pros and hard core fans take the rules and etiquette super seriously, I’ve found a way to enjoy the sport on my own terms. Light and easy. With a big lunch in my stomach and a beverage in my hand.
This could be you and your three best friends…
Rugby has always drawn from the fundamentals of community and competition. The Barbarians Annual Golf Fundraiser coming up on Friday, August 4th is an amazing opportunity to reignite the feeling that community and competition provide. With a top notch 4-person Shotgun Scramble, plenty of mini-games layered through the course (longest drive, closest pin, 8th hole Black Jack & the longest rugby kick … to name a few), it’s a chance to embark on a Friday afternoon for the ages! As great as it feels to compete (and occasionally win), it’s the community environment that does it for me. What’s there not to love about a bunch of below-average has-beens getting out in nature to take part in some light-hearted, somewhat competitive, mostly social, ball-bashing ballet? I love everything about this and would be surprised if you didn’t. Sue me.
The Denver Barbarians have succeeded for years on the grand stage for competitive club rugby. They’ve done it through great players, dedicated coaches, and a tireless executive board that is continually planning and raising funds. But all of those pieces are nothing without the Green & White community. I hope to see you all on the course at Applewood August 4th. If I hit a true birdie, beers on me after.